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Is XCVario and XCNAV one company?No! Although we have an excellent cooperation with XCVARIO, both are independent companies with their own products! However, we sell partly the products of XCNAV because they complement our system excellently and are partly coordinated with our products!
Wodurch unterscheidet sich XCNAV von den Produkten der Mitbewerber auf Android BasisFolgende Unterschiede heben uns von anderen Mitanbietern ab. 1. Der Screen. Siehe hierzu die Grafik. Dadurch ersparen wir uns u.a einen Fan zur Systemkühlung, was sich wiederum im niedrigeren Stromverbrauch und in Folge der geringeren Displaytemperatur in längerer Lifetime des Displays niederschlägt. XCNAV hat den Härtetest auf der WM in Australien bei Temperaturen um 40°C plus ohne Probleme bestanden und lief 100% zuverlässig sowohl am Boden als auch in der Luft 2. Integriertes LTE Modem. Apps wie XCSOAR und SeeYou Navigator sind eigentlich auf eine durchgehende Konnektivität ausgelegt, um aktuelle Wetterdaten, Thermik Hotspots oder im Falle von XCSoar JET sogar die SkySight Daten ständig zu erneuern oder runter zu laden. Mit unserem integrierten Modem fehlt dir dazu einfach nur eine Simkarte. Die optional erhältliche LTE Antenne von Bernd Dolba ist zum Einbau im Rumpf gedacht und kann die Empfangsstärke um bis zu 11dBi erhöhen. 3.System Buttons Damit kannst du schnell die Lautstärke und Helligkeit ändern ohne im Flug den Touchscreen manipulieren zu müssen. Zoom +/- ,Enter und ESC sind weitere Funktionen. Im Falle von XCSOAR öffnet der ■ -Button z.B. das Quickmenu, welches sonst nur über eine Bildschirmgeste (im Flug umständlich) oder über eine Remote aufrufbar ist. Doppelklick X öffnet unumständlich die Übersicht der laufenden Apps, so daß einfach z.B. zwischen WeGlide Copilot, XCSoar etc. gewechselt werden kann.
What distinguishes XCNAV Edition from OpenVarioFirst and foremost, our EDITION is a ready-to-use Plug`n`Play solution with full connectivity: WIFI, Bluetooth 4.1 and LTE. Anyone who has tried to retrofit one of these features in the OV understands what is meant here! So you can, for example, have your flights automatically uploaded to WeGlide with XCSoar immediately after the flight, download forecast maps, or conveniently upload your route planned on the PC to your navigation system, depending on availability in the app you are using. Updates to the apps work very easily via the Google Playstore or by downloading the .APK directly from the device, no fiddling around with LAN cables etc. Edition allows the use of many programs similar to a tablet, thanks to Android 10 even partially in simultaneous operation with split screen. Each of us knows that flying safely with the help of a program requires some training and dealing with the matter, and that switching to another system is often not easy. So I see pilots who, despite the high-tech LX equipment, still fly with Oudie or with a mobile phone with XCSoar because they have simply flown with these systems for years. It doesn't matter if you use XCSOAR, LK8000, SEEYOU NAVIGATOR, SKYDEMON, VFRMAP etc. use, our EDITION is the right solution for you. Thus, XCNAV EDITION is ideal for clubs, for example. A club aircraft retrofitted with our product offers every club pilot the opportunity to use their preferred cross-country flight APP. So nobody has to change. If you have previously flown with the OV and used the SteFly Remote Stick or the Rotary Unit, both will continue to work with our system. However, these are designed for use with XCSoar and do not work with other programs. Our new edition comes with 4 Quick Access Buttons. Another difference is the lack of the pressure probe like some versions of the OV! XCNAV Edition therefore requires an external AirData source. This can be e.g. Flarm or a connected variometer.
When will the 5.7 inch version come out?Over the last few months, our entire capacities have been concentrated on the release of the XCRemote and the new development of our EDITION. To a large extent, this also serves the development of the 5.7 inch version. However, hardware sourcing is still pending here. After the market launch and establishment of the 7 inch version, we will devote more attention to the 5.7 inch version, so please be patient.
Does XCNAV EDITION have a touchscreen?Yes, of course! All current apps for navigation are designed for use on a device with a touchscreen and online function. Operation using peripheral devices is possible, but in our opinion it can only be an addition and not a replacement for touch input. That's why our edition has a 5 point PCAP touchscreen, which is attached to our screen in an "OPTICAL BONDING" process. This complex bonding process ensures that the excellent optical properties of our screen, unlike e.g. the OV, are retained.
Is EDITION an independent navigation instrument?No, it needs an external GPS and air data source to work with apps like XCSoar. This is usually provided by FLARM, which can be connected to EDITION either via Bluetooth or via one of the 2 RS232TTL interfaces. These interfaces can also be used to connect variometers.
What is the difference between XCRemote and the SteFly remote stick?Basically, our XCREMOTE can do the same as the SteFly Remote Stick and its operation is based on it. However, the transmission via Bluetooth works with the XCRemote! This means you can use XCRemote independently of our XCNAV Edition21 with any other H We have also developed an app that allows you to customize the key assignments to suit your needs. This also works on your Android device in connection with XCRemote. Thanks to the cooperation with XCVario, we have managed to make it almost completely operable via XCSOAR via our XCRemote. An adaptation of other varios, currently the LX EOS/ERA, is already in progress. XCRemote can be shipped configured for XCSOAR and LK8000. Changing the system can be done from any smartphone within a few moments using the "over the air" update function. We offer XCREMOTE in different versions. In connection with the XCVario, no extra STF switch is required, but can be ordered as an option as a trigger switch for other variometers. With the seam colors in black, red, blue, silver and yellow, something suitable for every taste and interior should be found.
Does XCNAV EDITION only work with the XCVario?No, of course not! EDITION works with every variometer that makes its data "available" via the NMEA protocol and that is supported by the drivers of the programs used. A connection is wired via the serial interface, or possible via BT! However, the respective protocols in XCSOAR do not offer the same options for all variometers, for example the transmission from the vario to the EDITION21 of the QNH, MC, ballast, mosquitoes is not given with every variometer as with the XCVARIO!
I want to use XCNAV EDITION in my double seater, do I need 2 devices?We are working on a two-seater solution. At the moment there is of course the possibility to install 2 devices of our XCNAV EDITION. You then have 2 independently functioning systems. XCSoar offers the possibility to pass on the NMEA data set wirelessly, so that the 2nd device can also process the Vario and Flarm data. But you can also use any smartphone or tablet on the back seat. Our solution effectively mirrors the front monitor with possible touch screen inputs, so that both pilots have the same information. Thanks to Bluetooth 4.2, you can also connect EDITION to 2 input devices at the same time, so inputs with our XCRemote are also possible from the back seat!
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